As much as you don’t always want to ask for financial help, single mothers are one group that tends to need as much assistance as possible. It can be hard enough just supporting one person, but when another person is relying on you this can make the situation extremely stressful.
To alleviate the burden and get financial help for single mothers you need to know where to look and who to ask for help. The following tips should provide you with enough resources to put you on the right track.
Grants for Single Mothers for Day to Day Expenses
Just covering your daily expenses can be difficult. Having to find money for diapers, food and to pay your phone and electric bill is hard. Sometimes no matter how hard you budget you just don’t have enough cash to make ends meet.
If this applies to you then help is at hand. One of the first places to seek financial help for single mothers is by applying for a Government grant. Each State has different programs in place and you can visit your local Government office to find out all the details.
There are grants available for single mothers who have children under five. Some grants will provide you with food coupons and health care resources. While other grants will provide you with cash each month to use as you need.
Welfare can provide you with temporary help for your current situation and can provide you with much needed benefits as well as money. Again you must apply through your local State office for this type of financial assistance.
Housing Loans for Single Mothers

If you are looking for a housing loan to purchase a new home then you will need to have a good credit record. This is often the hardest thing to overcome for a single mother. If you are recently divorced or separated your credit history might be poor or even non-existent. Many women allow their husbands to apply for credit while married and have never built up a credit record!
Before applying for a housing loan it is a smart move to build up your credit history. You can do this by applying for a credit card with one of the large credit companies. Then make small purchases and pay off the balance immediately. This will help improve your credit score.
When applying for a housing loan as a single mother you will have to fill out the application and verify your information. This includes providing proof of income and employment. If all of this is in order you shouldn’t have any issues getting approved.
Mortgage Loans for Single Mothers

If you are ready to purchase your first home you can get assistance from the Federal Housing Association, FHA. This program is perfect for single mothers who have a low credit score. The FHA requires only a 3.5% down payment as well. It is also possible to have someone co-sign if necessary.
The best part about using the Federal Housing Association for your mortgage is that payments are low and interest rates are locked in for the term of the mortgage. This allows you to budget all your costs out in advance.
Habitat for Humanity and Ameridream are two organizations which help low income families afford a home. They help with mortgages as well as down payments.
Car Loans for Single Mothers

Being a single mother you are going to need reliable transportation. Car loans are available for single mothers and many places do offer lower rates for single parents. Many times they will allow you to purchase a new or used car with no down payment.
When looking for a cheap car loan read all the terms and conditions before you enter into any agreement. Look for hidden terms and see if they offer insurance in case you lose your job. Being a single mother you are depending upon yourself to make your monthly payments. You want to make sure payments will still be made if you get sick or injured at work.
Financial help for single mothers is available, look carefully and choose wisely. All the normal repayment and interest terms will apply and you cannot be turned down just because you are a single mom! If you are paying your bills on time and just need some extra cash there really is no reason why you won’t be approved.