Being a mother is very stressful, but being a single mother is downright hard. Many single mothers find that they have a very difficult time just paying basic bills, and they always seem to be scraping by financially. Oftentimes, in order to work, they must spend a huge portion of their paycheck on childcare expenses. If this is your story, you’re in luck. The government can help. There are many ways to get money help for single moms – and some of them may be right under your nose.
Cash Assistance for Single Moms
There are government programs that have been set up for the sole purpose of helping single mothers and other low-income individuals during times of financial strain. Although the government does not intend for this money help for single moms to be a permanent solution, it can help temporarily ease the financial burden of raising children. Some government money for single mothers can help cover daily living expenses, including food and childcare.

Cash assistance is one example of government money for single mothers. Although this type of government assistance is meant for needy individuals in general, single mothers often qualify simply because they fall under the income guidelines. To calculate how much cash assistance you may qualify to receive every month, the government takes information such as your household income and living expenses into account. You can use this government money to purchase necessities like:
- Toiletries
- Cleaning supplies
- Diapers
- Fuel
The government does not intend for you to use funding for single mothers of this kind as a permanent solution. In fact, most areas usually have a limit on the length of time that you can receive this type of government money for single mothers. Most areas will also require that you actively seek employment, attend employment-training classes, or further your education in order to receive the money. Call and make an appointment to Visit your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to apply for assistance.
Food Stamps
Even if you do not qualify for cash assistance, you may still be able to receive other types of government money. For instance, you may qualify to receive money to help buy groceries. The government refers to this kind of funding for single mothers as “food stamp assistance,” and you may only use it to purchase food for your household. As with cash assistance, your monthly income and bills, as well as the size of your household, determine the amount of money that you will receive to buy food.
Childcare Money for Single Moms

Some government money for single mothers can help pay for the cost of childcare. You can often use these funds for single mothers to pay for certain types of childcare, including babysitters, day cares, and after school programs. You will often qualify for this type of funding if you meet the income guidelines. You must also be working, attending school, or seeking employment as defined by your DHHS worker when you visit the agency.
Income Taxes
One often-overlooked way to get government money is through your federal income tax refund. Generally, most parents – whether they are single or not – will receive an income tax refund as well as additional money for each child that they support. Depending on your income and the number of children that you support, this money could be enough to buy a used car or put a down payment on a small home.