Death knows no rules. So it’s rather destiny that a lot of women each year are left to raise children on their own. A lot of women can relate to the fear of losing their husbands because for most of them, it’s their worst fear. You cannot possibly live a fulfilling life while you wait for something tragic to happen.
If you are a widow, then it’s imperative to face this truth bravely because what is done is done and there is nowhere to move, but forward.

One of the biggest feelings you will face while dealing with widowhood is the emotion called confusion. This emotion will keep haunting you and keep putting up uncomfortable questions which you will find hard to answer. Why my husband? Is there anything I could have done? Unfortunately, you can ask yourself over and over, but in reality the questions will not have any answers.

Another emotion that will nag around is heartache. As sad of an emotion as this is, it’s also an important one. It’s okay to feel sad and alone because your husband passed away. Your emotions will be raw and naturally will not disappear overnight. The heartache might never go away, but it will certainly allay overtime.

Whenever you are faced with any of the life’s biggest challenges there will always be naysayers. It’s important to learn how to ignore these people and what they say because they will only bring you down. In reality, there will be gossipers and people trying to create their own scenarios in relation to what happened. The only thing that matters is the truth, and you know what the truth is. Warding off the naysayers is easier than you might think. Ignore what they have to say and do not let them add fuel to the fire. If they have something to say, then let them say it because they are only hurting themselves.
Support System

Widowhood is a tough road, but a lot of women manage to create a wonderful support system. That support system might be friends, family members, or just strangers who lend a helping hand. Most towns and cities have some form of counseling available; you might just need to do a little research. Finding a support group of women who have gone through the same thing as you is an excellent choice in support systems. It might take a while to build up the courage to attend one of these support groups, but it will be totally worth it at the end.
Missing Him

There is not a bone in your body that will not miss your husband. You have to realize that is okay. You will miss his smell and his touch, but you will also have cherished memories to live along. Although nothing will ever be able to replace his physical presence, you can do small things to try and fill those voids. Spend time with friends and family, go on a spa day, or just spend the days reading.
Many widows keep brooding as to how they will ever get through this time in their lives. One of the best pieces of advice is that it will take time- so let it heal overtime. Some days will be harder and some softer, but ofcourse it will never be the same. Take these tips and apply them to your life as you can. Embrace your children and hold them close because if anything, they will bring you peace and joy during this difficult chapter in your life.