When you are a single mother, you are the one who is responsible for supporting your children in every way imaginable. It is not always an easy task and at times, it may even feel as though it is simply impossible for you to take on so much at once.
You probably feel alone at times, especially if you are not receiving any help or support from anyone else. While it can be lonely and difficult to be a single mother, help is available. The state of Wisconsin offers a number of different programs that can come in handy as Help for Single Mothers in Wisconsin.
Food Resources

In the state of Wisconsin, you can apply for the Food Stamps program, which is often referred to as the Food Share program in this particular state. The program was designed to help low-income families so that they can afford the food for their children and themselves.
If you are a single mother, affording food may be difficult for you because you have tons of other payments as well, including affording all of the different bills. In this case, it would make a lot of sense to apply for this program and get help with affording your groceries. It can take a huge weight off your shoulders and you will be able to save money in the meantime while still being able to give your children the food that they need.
As a single mother, you can also apply for the WIC program, which is a program designed specifically for women and their children. The program is a basic nutritional assistance program that will provide you with checks to use on a monthly basis. These checks are to be used in the grocery stores and will basically list certain food items that you can purchase. Some of the food items on the check will include milk, eggs, cheese and bread. Every little bit helps and this program can definitely help too.
FoodShare Wisconsin – How to Get Benefits
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Program
Childcare Assistance

When you are a single mother, childcare assistance is a basic necessity. The reason that this is such a necessity is because you are the sole provider for your children and that means that you are either working, attending school or you are doing both things. While you work or go to school, you need to have someone who will be able to take care of your children.
You may need to put your children in childcare but the problem with this is the cost of childcare. Childcare can actually be so ridiculously expensive and hard for you to afford, especially if you have more than one child and you are doing it all on your own. However, you can apply for childcare assistance in the state of Wisconsin to get help with paying your childcare premiums. Instead of paying a fortune, you will only have to pay a small portion of the childcare that you need for your children so that you are no longer going broke just to ensure your kids are taken care of while you work or go to school.
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Rent Assistance

Are you struggling to pay your rent on time? Is your landlord threatening you with eviction from the place that you call home because you are struggling to make your monthly rental payments? If so, it is important that you know help is available. Instead of dealing with the possibility of being evicted and put out on the street with your children, you can apply for rent assistance in the state of Wisconsin. There is certainly help available for you.
Affordable Healthcare

One thing that is absolutely necessary for you and your children to have is healthcare insurance. Without healthcare insurance, you would have to pay out of pocket for every single doctor visit, immunization, dentist visit, and more. While having healthcare for you and your children is definitely necessary, it is not always possible because healthcare is not generally very affordable.
In fact, it can sometimes cost you a fortune, which is never a good thing. If you are struggling to afford insurance for your children and for yourself, applying for Medicaid in the state of Wisconsin may be ideal. Medicaid is an affordable form of healthcare coverage for low-income families.
Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin.
Grants and Scholarships/College and School

Have you considered attending college or even attending a trade school? This may be something that you have considered from time to time but were also unsure about. The truth is that even as a single mother, you can still go to college or attend trade school and pursue your hopes and dreams of having the career you have always hoped for. Certain job opportunities will require that you have the right training and skills, which often means that you will need to have a degree or certification in a specific field. The best way to get this degree or certification is to attend the college or trade school of your choice. Best of all, plenty of grants and scholarships will be available for you because you will most probably quality for them as a single mother.
Wisconsin Scholarship and Grant Programs
Financial Assistance

When you are strapped for cash, you may simply not know where to turn and may be hesitant as to whom you could ask for support. In fact, you may not have anyone who can help you out. Instead of taking out expensive loans or pawning your belongings, applying for financial assistance would typically be ideal. In the state of Wisconsin, you can apply for the TANF program, which is basically an abbreviation for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. On this program, you can receive cash on a monthly basis for a limited amount of time. It can truly help when you need it the most, which is why this program is such a big help.