My Work From Home Series:
After going through these you will MAKE and never LOSE money online. I will make it all so simple for you.
Across the globe, thousands of well educated people fall victim to internet scams every day. Even mothers working online from home are no exception.
There are tons of people spending a couple of thousands in the HOPE of getting a quick-rich scheme or have extra income generated from the Internet. To add to this, there are thousands of websites enticing you to buy some ebook to know the secrets of being financially free or be the next millionaire.
Take my word for it – 99% of such schemes or websites or products are out to fleece you. Believe me, only people making money from these will be the ones who will be running it and that money would come from assorted group of people like you.

I am a mother who works from home and know a fair bit about the ways we can work from home and earn money. I have done a lot of self-study on this (around 5 years into it) and I would say I have become quite seasoned now. My husband is a professional Internet Marketer himself and makes couple of thousands from Internet every month.
We take pride in being thoroughly upright in all our professional dealing till date. However after knowing about one of our close relatives getting cheated by an online money making scam (alas! he went all alone without giving anyone any hint, not even his wife) we decided we need to share our knowledge with people around so that this menace can be effectively dealt with. Even if a small fraction of people can benefit from it – it’s worth the effort.
My husband and I would collaborate to create a series on Work from Home where we will share some of the authentic ways to make money from Internet while working from home. We will also share detailed videos or ones already available on YouTube to make the learning simple and easy to grasp.
As a starting point, let me touch upon some quick cautions here. All aspects I will be covering in details in my series which will help us keep away from trouble.
i) Better Business Bureau or BBB:

is your best friend. Whenever you encounter a company and you do not know anything about – open BBB, look them up and see if any related reports are there.
ii) Google your trusted friend:
Don’t forget your friend Google. Just type the product name in inverted commas with the parameter AND in capital along with keywords like complaint, scams etc. E.g.
“xyz product name” AND “complaint”xyz product name” AND “scam”xyz product name” AND “fraud”
iii) Kind of real testimonials with real people saying it works:
If someone is offering any product, service or training and saying that you will be able to make large amounts of money with little effort, STAY AWAY. They may be using some so called REAL testimonials which seem to be authentic.
For your knowledge, there are many online resources available where you can get such video testimonial for as less as $5. I will share with you once we start talking about it.
There are no magic pills in this world and there is no free lunch and that applies to online also. Whenever your heart says “it’s too good to be true”, STAY AWAY.
The bottom-line is “Do not spend even a single dollar on any training or product until you are sure of it, have verified it for fraud and done your due diligence”.
I will personally recommend you not to spend even 1 cent until you have gone through my “Work from Home” series. It’s better to be sure than sorry later – after all it’s your hard earned money that’s at stake. It’s also good to look at rights for single mothers, which should give you confidence that law is there to sufficiently safeguard your interests.