About Us

Hi, Impact , I am Meera – Great to have you on my site!!!I am a married woman blessed with a three years old son. I have my husband and family to help me with the day-to-day challenges of bringing up my child.

Wondering how I came up with this website? Fortunately through a chance encounter – I am an avid net surfer and while looking around for some subjects related to child upbringing I chanced upon looking through a single mothers site. It was kind of a turnaround moment for me. I am fortunate to have ready support both of my husband and family however there are others who have struggles lined up every day and have to take them head on all by themselves. There is no deemed support both socially and financially. On that site I found some true stories of grit and determination and I decided what I would do next.

My goal of having this site is to serve as a platform where single mothers from all walks of life can come together to share their stories (both pleasant and not so pleasant ones) and benefit from each others’ experiences. I am lucky to have some real single mothers help me with these stories. I will keep adding such contributions from everyone who wants to share her part and ideally you should get some solutions for yourself going through these.

Anyways life is a struggle – put you best foot forward each day, remember you are not alone and life must go on…

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