As life is getting crazier, its tasks are getting more sophisticated and so many different fields to require your full attention and efforts.
In all of this chaos, you must be exhausted, moreover unable to juggle between this and that all the time.
So, don’t you think that it’s time for you to call for help? Technology must have thought through that, all to serve your comfort and help in simplifying your familial tasks and give you the chance to spend more quality time with your family members without being anxious about what you may have forgotten to do.
Well, today is your lucky day, because we will be reviewing one of the best apps out there, an amazing and well-needed app.
Cozi Family Organizer.
Even the name feels light and inviting, right?
Cozi Family Organizer is a shared calendar, however, it indeed does provide more features than what a usual calendar does.
So what does distinguish it from the rest of regularly shared calendars?
Here are the main features of Cozi :
1/ Family calendar :
As a first step when you start using the app, you will be allowed to be the main organizer of the calendar and you will have the authority to allow other members of your family to be part of it and make changes, as editing and inputting information in the calendar.
All it takes is your email, and the family name, you can even personalize it and add a collective family picture to represent the family as a whole.
Then, you are to fill in the names of your kids and any other member of the family that you would want them to be included in your plans through the calendar, however, they are not obliged to submit their emails, it is by choice for them.
Right after those steps, you will have to check your email, you will receive a confirmation email, all the included parties (the ones who submit their emails) will receive one as well, make sure you share the password you set in the beginning with them too.
The email that you will receive will tell you all about how to link the other calendar apps on your device with Cozi such as Apple Calendar, Google calendar and so on.
You have so many tabs, to kick off the journey in the calendar just tap on the calendar tab and start adding your Rendez-Vous.
The other interesting part is that all the parties that are included in the app will be assigned in a different colour, so it makes it easier and more practical for everyone, on the Settings tab you are able to personalize the colours as you wish.
Cozi calendar also gives the chance to maintain privacy, you either choose to see all of the family calendar or individually (each member’s calendar). This can be done by the “show” tab under the calendar.
And there are also reminders to make it easy for everyone on the app to be on track and don’t miss any event.
Like any other app, Cozi offers a membership for further features, and reminders are one of them for in the free version you can only set one reminder before an hour of the event or so.
2/ Cozi shopping list:
In Cozi, you will have a shopping tab that is dedicated only to shopping lists, you can create as many as you want and control all of them.
Go to “lists” and start a new one and name it whatever is convenient for you.
Right after, you can write all the needed ingredients or needs.
And it gets even funnier, you can drag your needs and drop them to match them with their locations in the store.
And of course, you can always print or share your list with whomever you want in the app through their To-Do List.
And all of that is for free, sweet deal, right?
3/ To Do Lists:
Cozi also offers a To Do List feature, and obviously, you can list all the must-do things either for you or for a different party in the app.
All the things you include in this tab are as important as the events on the calendar, but they only belong here to get them done through your day.
All the lists that you will create will be found right next to the calendar on the main page so you can easily reach them.
4/ Recipe Box and Dinner Planner:
It indeed did happen to you before, you are having a great afternoon relaxing until it hits you! “what shall I make for dinner!!!” and now your whole peace is gone and you have to spend the rest of the night thinking.
This feature will be perfect for you and will save you a lot of time and efforts to manage and make a delicious healthy meal for your family.
Cozi got your back, via the “Meals” tab, you can add all you want of recipes and even share them to the shopping lists.
You can also add your recipes, link your favourite online recipes plus diving into the Cozi Family Organizer database of recipes via the “Folders” tab and then choose your favourites.
You can all those recipes to your calendar by the “Meal Planner” tab, just drag and drop it into a specific day.
You will also be able to have a parallel look at what each day holds (events, rendezvous…etc) so you can decide the suitable meal for that day.
All of those features are in one place, one app, and more importantly for free, so why bother and check a different app?
What does Cozi Gold offer?
As already mentioned, gold versions of apps always provide more than the regular versions and so it is the case for Cozi Family Organizer Gold.
It provides you further with the following:
First of all, there are no ads, even though they aren’t as annoying in the regular version, however, some prefer to deal with free add apps to be more comfortable.
- A Mobile Month View
- Calendar Search
- Multiple Reminders
- Change Notifications
- Shopping Mode
- Birthday Tracker
To conclude our review, I want you to take a step back and analyze how busy and time consuming your life is, throughout all this, are you spending enough time with your family that shall be your number one priority?
Your answer probably would be a no, why? “no time”
Well, here you go, Cozi Family Organizer is here for you.
You will get to organize each aspect of your familial life in ways that aren’t as consuming neither on the level of efforts nor time.
from personalized calendars to your favourite recipes along with shopping lists and even planning your meals, Cozi thought about it all through.
Why would you give it a try? Well, why wouldn’t you? We all would love a magical touch of organization around because either we accept it or not, human brains cannot be functional 24/7 and that’s totally alright.
Get yourself a virtual assistant, moreover for FREE.
Let the technology serves you more than it consumes you, Cozi Family Organizer is a must, give it a shot!