Single Mother By Choice or By Chance?

There a two ways in which a woman becomes a single mother: they either choose to have a child in their lives without a romantic partner involved at the time, or they anticipated the support of a significant other who had different plans. In either scenario, there are challenges and rewards, so let’s take a look … Read more

Single Mothers by Choice – Why Women Choose This

There are women who do decide to become single mothers by choice. They take the time to research this decision and fully understand the implications that this type of choice will give them. Today there is a new breed of women emerging and these are single mothers by choice. Why Choose to Become a Single … Read more

Single Parenthood – Pros and Cons of Single Motherhood

The family form consisting of a single mother is nothing new, but the stereotype concerning this group is changing, slowly. Some cultures accept single mothers and support them with varying “family friendly” policies that make the workforce a warmer place for them to return to, while other cultures hold opposing views against single motherhood, considering it … Read more

Help Available for Living Single Mothers

Living single mothers deal with a lot more than most people. Luckily, there is help out there for single mothers living in poverty and other situations. There are many instances where single mothers have no choice but to live with their parents or even find government housing assistance. Wherever you are, there is help for those who need … Read more

Assisting the Single Mother – Colleges & State Programs

Single mothers are at risk for being economically and socially impoverished. However, there are a few programs available for assistance for single mothers, but each State differs in these programs. For instance, many State colleges offer grants for tuition; sometimes a single mother can be granted half of her tuition or more. Assistance for single mothers … Read more

Struggling to find what types of Assistance for Single Mothers are available? Here’s ready help for you

Being a single mother is never easy, because even with all the physical and emotional help from parents, grandparents, siblings and friends, many women find that coping financially is the toughest part of being a single parent. However, you might not be aware of it, but there are in fact many options available to single parents. … Read more

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