You are a single mother and are finally ready for the “dating scene.”
The good news is that you are taking a big step in your life.
The bad news is that you probably have no idea where to start meeting people of the opposite sex.
Here are 8 of them which you may relate to:
Who would have thought that hundreds of single people migrate to beaches? It might be a little awkward to walk up to someone on a beach but a casual conversation may help, you never know the Mr. Right may be strolling right in front of you.
The beach is undoubtedly a great place to look and talk to members of the opposite sex.

Church is an ideal place to meet other singles. Remember that just because you are a mom – that is not all you are. A lot of local churches have a singles ministry. This is where singles can get together and learn more about each other. There are always a lot of positive aspects of meeting someone in a church.
Dating Online
Dating online is a very common practice nowadays. About ten years ago it was being looked upon as a taboo, but now people are accepting it as being okay. Really, as long as you meet a decent person, no one really cares how you met them. Of course, you need to keep safety in mind because not everyone is who they say they are on the Internet.
Friends are always great at hooking their “friends” up. Usually you do not even have to ask your friends if they have a date in mind for you because chances are, they already do. Double dating and hanging out in groups is an excellent way to meet a potential dating partner. Spending time in groups allows you to see the person up-close without really feeling awkward.
Hopefully you work at a large facility because dating a co-worker can stir up a controversy. Of course, just because it can be controversial, does not mean people do not still do it. Date coworkers, but be cautious of how it is affecting the work environment around you. After all, you got a job there for a reason.
Surprisingly, it is highly possible to find another single person or parent at the zoo. Actually, you probably will not see many bachelors walking around the zoo, but you’ll see a lot of single dads with their kids there. It’s a safe haven for dads to take their kids. Maybe you will accidently bump into one on a trip to the zoo.
Maybe you are trying to get into shape and in the bargain find a date too? Gyms have a lot of potential when it comes to finding a date. Do not just walk in their one day and expect someone to ask you out, but you never know it may happen. Do your time at the gym and hope things work for you.
Anytime you step foot in public – a cafeteria, a bookshop, a toy shop etc, you have the chance to meet a real live person. Do not let this scare you into staying home, though. Meeting adults and talking to them is a great way to meet potential dates. Do not be shy and just act natural.
No one is asking you to do anything crazy to get noticed as a single mother trying to find a date. In fact, you probably are not screaming it from the rooftops anyhow. The great thing about finding a potential date, is that often times, they’ll find you. If you are asked out on a date, then do not be shy and do give love a second try.