How to Get Federal Grants for Single Mothers

If you’re a single mom, you are likely the sole caregiver for you kids as well as the only source of income for your family. You may find yourself staying up nights, full of worry about how you are going to make ends meet. You may be living paycheck to paycheck each month. Maybe the father of your children is no help and you feel that everything in life rests squarely on your shoulders.

If this sounds like you, then read on. The federal government has established a variety of single mom federal grants & even cash assistance for Single Mothers. There are several kinds of federal grants for single mothers that you may be able to take advantage of, and many of these programs are very simple to apply for as well.

How to Get Federal Grants for Single Mothers
Housing Grants
  • Housing Grants Some of the single mom federal grants that may be the most valuable for you to check out are grants for housing. Keeping a place to live for your family is no doubt your top priority, and it is often one of the hardest living expenses to afford. Rent is not cheap, and the federal government wholly recognizes this fact. That’s why there are many different kinds of programs that offer housing grants and rental assistance for disadvantaged populations such as single mothers.You can log onto the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s web portal to find out what options are available in your state. The site is user-friendly, and you can click on the links to be directed to the best program for your individual situation.
Grants for College
  • Grants for College One of the best ways to improve the future for you and your family is going back to school. It may be something that has been in the back of your mind for a while, but you may have thought that it was out of reach for you as a single mother. Think again! You can take advantage of federal grants for college and go back to school immediately.A federal grant is not like a student loan. Once you receive the money, you are not required to pay it back. Grants are considered free money, so when the government awards one to you, you won’t be adding another bill by returning to school. Pell grants are the most common form of federal grants, and if you meet certain income requirements, chances are you will qualify for one. Visit the U.S. Department of Education’s web portal to learn more.
Day Care Grants for Single Mothers
  • Daycare Grants Another expensive part of being a single mom is covering childcare expenses so that you can work. It’s hard to find affordable, reliable childcare that provides a safe environment for you children while you’re away. With the help of a federal grant, you will not be forced to compromise your children’s security any longer. Your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) can help you find which options are available in your state. Eg. Under help for Single Mothers in Texas, the DHHS there will be the right place for you to know first-hand about options for you.
  • Women’s Opportunity Awards Program The Women’s Opportunity Awards Program assists single mothers like you who are the primary source of income in their household. The main purpose of this program is to provide grants for women to give them the resources they need to better their future employment opportunities, sharpen their job skills, and receive their education. Each year, this programs awards women $1.5 million in grants.
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