Frankly Single motherhood is serious business. Sometimes, it’s hard to make it on your own. Balancing the care of your children and meeting your basic needs too, is a juggling act and as such even the best taskmasters can do better with a little help from time to time. If you are doing everything by yourself – bills, daycare expenses, and all your other obligations – and you are barely staying afloat, read on.
Whether you know it or not, many grant options are out there that provide help for single moms. Everything from housing to medical expenses to funding your return to school is possible if you use the grants available to you – courtesy of your state and federal government.
Federal Government Grants for Single Moms
The federal government is a great place to find grants to help you with things like housing and school if you are a single mother. These federal government programs have been around for a very long time, are easy to apply to, and will always pay on time.

If you want to return to school, filling out a FAFSA form on the U.S. Department of Education’s website is the first step you should take. The FAFSA will automatically apply you for a Federal Pell Grant, and you are almost certain to qualify if you are raising children on your own and you are making medium-to-low-income as shown in your tax returns. Government school grants for single mothers are a great way to finally finish your education and move forward in your career.
If you need help with housing, federal government grants for single mothers can assist you with that as well. If you visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website, you will find a portal that asks you about your housing needs. The portal will direct you to the appropriate applications and resources that you need to apply for federal government grants for single moms and other assistance from HUD. Some of this assistance includes:
- Obtaining rental assistance
- Buying a house
- The chance to speak with a housing counselor
- Avoiding Foreclosure
State Government Grants for Single Moms
State government grants for single mothers vary depending on your state of residence. In order to determine what grants your state has to offer, you need to find your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and make an appointment to speak with a caseworker. There, you can find out about state-level grants to help you. Some state grants allow money for the following areas:
- Groceries (food stamps)
- Housing
- Utility bills
- In-state college tuition
The great thing about visiting your local DHHS office is that you don’t need to fill out lots of different applications to determine what you may qualify for. The state-provided caseworker will interview you and handle the paperwork for you. You only need to provide honest and accurate answers, furnish any documentation quickly when requested, and stay on top of all of your appointments.
Ask your caseworker about state grants when you are at your appointment. If your caseworker seems confused or tells you that no state level grants are available for you, ask to speak to a supervisor. Sometimes people in bureaucratic agencies can be misinformed. The best way to deal with them is to remain composed and go above their heads to ask the tough questions.