Several personal grants out there can help you ease your financial burdens. Even if your ex is unwilling to help, there are options. As you are already aware, having kids becomes expensive quite fast and it only takes a month or two to fall tragically behind on your bills. If you top it off with a messy divorce, life can become a major struggle.
The good news is there are personal grants to help you pay off your debts, help with groceries, and personal grants for students as well if you wish to return to school. It doesn’t take long to discover how many personal grants for single mothers you may be eligible to receive & it’s also good to explore Government Housing for Single Moms as another viable option.
Personal Grants to Pay Your Debts

One of the fastest ways to ruin your day is experiencing a string of threatening phone calls from pushy debt collectors. Most people know how this feels, and single mothers in particular are susceptible to falling behind on their bill payments. Struggling for money is one of the worst stresses you can have when you are the sole caretaker for your children, and the burden takes its toll very quickly.The good news is that the federal government has a benefits web portal that is set up for individuals such as single mothers to find the right resources to obtain personal grants for the things they need in life. It’s easy to fill out an application on the site, and it only takes a few minutes to get started.
Grants to Pay for Food
When it comes to getting help to put food on your table, your status as a single mother gives you a major advantage. One of the most well-known personal grants that assists single mothers in need is called the Women, Infant, and Children(WIC) program. WIC is a state run, federally funded program that can help you by providing a number of checks each month to pay for health-conscious food for you and your kids. If you don’t make a lot of money, and you are struggling to pay for groceries, you can visit your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and fill out an application. You can make an appointment to speak to a DHHS worker to find out which of these programs you qualify for to receive help. Also knowledge about pell grants for single mothers is worth exploring.
Personal Grants for Students
Once you’ve secured help to meet your daily needs, you will have the time to turn your attention to your future. You may be thinking since you have kids, returning to school is no longer an option for you. This is furthest from the truth. The federal government has recognized that educated citizens are key to a building a strong economy. If there are no qualified workers to fill the jobs available, then the economy will continue to spiral downward. This is why it is so easy to qualify for personal grants for students. The federal government awards personal grants to students to encourage them to stay in or return to school to fulfill their education – and single mothers are prime candidates for these awards. All you must do is visit the U.S. Department of Education’s web portal and fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to get started. All you must do is visit the U.S. Department of Education’s web portal and fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to get started. The government also offers need-based Personal Loans Single Mothers to tide over any impending requirement.