The Facts about Government Housing for Single Moms

Finding housing in today’s economy can be difficult. The housing market has dramatically declined in recent years, and as a result, rent payments are through the roof. If you’re a single mom, these realities can cause you to move into a place that may be less than adequate for your family because you think you have no other choice. Naturally, finding a decent place to live is your top priority as a parent, but you don’t have to compromise on quality simply because you are struggling financially. Whether you are aware of this or not, you can easily find government housing for single moms to ease you housing worries.

Government Housing for Single Moms: Vouchers

One of the first things that you can do when searching for government assisted living for single mothers is to apply for a “house choice voucher.” This program is set up for low income families who need a clean, safe, and affordable place to live in the private housing market. A more common name for this program is Section 8 Housing, and it is available nationwide.

The Facts about Government Housing for Single Moms
Government Housing for Single Moms

Your local public housing agency (PHA) can determine if you are eligible for a housing voucher. Your PHA officer will base your eligibility status on your total annual gross income and family size. The Section 8 Housing program is limited to US citizens and only specific categories of non-citizens who have an eligible immigration status. In general, your family income may not exceed 50% of the median income for your county or for the metropolitan area in which your family lives.

One of the best things about this program is that your options are not very limited when you are looking for a home, so you are free to choose where you would like to live. As long as the landlord of the townhouse, apartment, or single family home that you select is a participant in the Section 8 program, then you are free to move in. The program pays your landlord a portion of your rent before it is due, and you are responsible for paying the remaining amount by the monthly due date. To find out more about the Section 8 Housing program, log on to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) web portal and check out which options are available in your area.

Public Housing Assistance

Another program that offers government assisted living for single mothers is the “public housing assistance program.” This program is similar to the Section 8 housing vouchers program, but it is for a specific place. There are approximately 1.2 million places to live that are subsidized by the government and are public housing properties, and this program is set up to assist low-income individuals who are having a hard time paying their rent.

This program may apply to you and your family if your circumstances fit the requirements. So, if you are struggling for money and you are having trouble paying your rent, then you may qualify for this type of program. This program gives you option of a safe, government-regulated environment with rent that you will be able to afford. Again, to find information about public housing in your area, visit the HUD website and find the PHA in your local area.

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