When you’re a single mother, you know that everyday life can be mighty hard. However, if you’re a single parent in an abusive situation, it can become unlivable – and dangerous for your safety. Protecting yourself and you children is priority number one, and if you are preparing to leave an abuser, you need to planand know where you will go once you are ready to leave.
Sometimes people need to leave a particularly scary situation secretly, and there are shelters that help you with that, too.

Other non-violent situations can occur that may cause women to seek shelters. For example, if you are a single mother and you are facing eviction, then you’ll need a shelter while you seek permanent housing for yourself and your little ones. Many non-profit organizations and government programs offer emergency shelters for women, and some agencies even offer longer-term places to live while you figure out your next steps.
Government Shelters for Single Mothers
In the United States, there are many different kinds of government-run single mother shelters. Some are state-run, and local community officials and agencies control others.Transitional programs and emergency shelters offer temporary housing when single mothers and their children need it most.Governmentstaff workers help single moms to locatepermanent housing. They also help to problem-solve with moms about what caused the homelessness, and offer services to help single mothers find jobs and build career skills, too.
· Family Shelters
Family shelters for single moms offer support and emergency housingfor single parent families and for pregnant women. To get into these shelters, generally you must visit with a caseworker at a local social services agency and obtain a referral. To get the referral, you must meet specific financial eligibility requirements.
· Domestic Violence Shelters
If you are in imminent danger, there is likely a domestic violence shelter run by your city somewhere nearby. Call your local social services agency to get contact information for the shelter. Most domestic violence shelters have 24-hour hotlines and they will allow battered women to remain at the shelter for a three to six month period.
· Transitional Housing for Families
After your time in a shelter, you can sometimes qualify to live in transitional housing for an extended period until you’re back on your feet again. Most citied have transitional housing where you can get access to training, counseling, and many other resources to help you maintain long-term success once you’ve moved out. Families who complete a transitional housing program can also get help finding permanent affordable housing down.
Non-Profit Shelters for Single Moms
There are places aside from government that offer shelters for single moms and their little ones when in need. Several national non-profit organizations have shelters in many areas throughout the country. You can dial 2-1-1 from a local phone and ask the respondent for information about area non-profit shelters for single mothers.
The Salvation Army, for instance, often has local shelters available for families in need. The YWCA is another national non-profit agency that offers emergency housing. You can look up the phone numbers forlocal chapters of these agencies, and when you call each one, ask the worker you speak with about options that may be available for you.