Nashville Program focuses on Fathers

Do you know that around 40% of the children born into American homes today are raised in single parent homes? That’s an astonishing number coming from a country that is counted as developed for decades. Anyways, Robert Taylor who works for betterment of single parents, is looking to change the way the fathers of Nashville impact … Read more

What Kind of Help Can Single Parents Get?

In this economic turmoil, most families & single parents are struggling to make ends meet. Expectedly this question looms across for the latter “What Kind of Help Can Single Parents Get?” With this being said, what help do single parents get, when everyone else is struggling too? However, it does not really matter if you … Read more

Learn About Just One Person

Education is something that changes the people and their perspective around you. What if you did not have access to the education you receive today? Just One Person is a unique program that not only educates African girls boy is geared to take them beyond academics. What is the program? Just One Person started in 2008 … Read more

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