In this economic turmoil, most families & single parents are struggling to make ends meet. Expectedly this question looms across for the latter “What Kind of Help Can Single Parents Get?” With this being said, what help do single parents get, when everyone else is struggling too? However, it does not really matter if you are single or married because most help is based on your income. Knowing what your options are, does really help as you are able to provide adequately for your family.
Section 8 Housing

Section 8 housing is also known as low income housing. This housing assistance is available to people who meet the income levels for their county or state. Each county has different versions of section 8 housing. The not so great part of section 8 housing is that it’s based on income and there is typically a wait list.
If you are a single parent and worried about your children not getting adequate nutrition, then WIC is a great option. WIC stands for Women Infant and Children and it is a government program. Each child enlisted in this program is able to receive nutritional foods. Milk, eggs, cheese and cereals are just a few items a person might receive while on WIC. Vouchers are handed out to those who are eligible and these must be used within a certain time frame.
While you may not personally be eligible for Medicaid, your kids might. It all depends on the state you live in and what it offers.
Most single moms or dads might be eligible for some type of government medical assistance, but mostly help for pregnant women and children takes precedence. If you have children who do not have health insurance, then it’s wise to see if they are eligible for Medicaid.
Food stamps
Food stamps is a program also known as SNAP. This program is aimed to help families put food on the table. Often times, people have to choose between paying a bill and eating, but this program helps families make this decision comparatively easily. You have to meet the income criteria for food stamps and it’s not that easy to qualify.
The good thing about food stamps is that it helps fill the void while you are going through a financial hardship. This program is not meant to be used for an extensive period of time. Most state welfare programs encourage you to do some serious job hunting before you will be able to apply for food stamps again.
Help is Available to Those Who Need It
Maybe you are a single mom or dad and you just need a little help to make ends meet, then perhaps one of these programs is right for you. Help is supposed to be there for those who need it the most. No one should feel ashamed for asking for a little bit of help when their luck is down. Eating is a necessary and that’s why the government found it imperative to launch such programs.