Massachusetts Town on Top of the List for number of Single Mothers

In a small portion of Massachusetts, as high as100 percent of mothers were recorded to be single at one point or the other. This means they were unwed or single, but were still considered to be single mothers because of their marital status. Some of these single moms were probably in a committed relationship, even though the census reports something a little different.

A citizen of the Granby County says that she has worked in a soup kitchen for over 25 years and families have certainly changed since she first began.

Times Have Changed

Alphabet Soup Child Care Center
Alphabet Soup Child Care Center

“Bobbi Rougeau is the executive director of the Alphabet Soup Child Care Center. She’s been in the business for 25 years, and cares for many of the children. “Here in Granby I would say about 25% of our families are unwed…back in the 80′s, it’s very different than it is now. It’s a rush rush society” stated Rougreau. “My generation, if you weren’t married by the age of 20, you were an old maid. Today, it’s a whole different world” added Linda Sapulding, an assistant at the center.” (westernmassnews)

Massachusetts Town

This story shows that times have really changed when it comes to families. There are more single mothers all across and for one county, it seems to be a lot more than average. “The 2010 census says that more than half of births to American women under 30 were outside of marriage.” Women are having kids outside of marriage and they are choosing to raise children on their own. Some of the women, albeit single, are not necessarily choosing this path on their own. It’s fair to say that times have certainly changed.

Communities Working Together

Granby County

No matter which community you live in, it’s important that all families work together. Single mothers, married families, and even non-traditional families must work together to provide the best community environment for the children. Granby County is a great example of how community members can work together, no matter what the circumstance. A census is really important in helping the United States understand demographics, but it does not necessarily have to Impact how the community operates.

For more information on these statistics please visit: westernmassnews

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