Are you a single mother, who happens to be living in the state of Delaware? If you are a single mother living in the Delaware area and are unsure of where to turn to in case you need help – Help for Single Mothers in Delaware is most certainly available.
Being a single parent is never an easy job and it can be even more difficult when you find yourself struggling to afford everything, especially as the cost of living continues to rise with each year that passes by. You may feel alone as a single parent but fortunately, the state does provide you with that extra bit of support that you may want and need..
Food Resources

In the state of Delaware, you can apply for the Food Supplement Program, often referred to as Food Stamps. This particular program enables single mothers and low-income individuals to be able to purchase the necessary food they need for themselves or for their children. Eligibility for this program varies depending upon a number of factors, including the amount of income earned and the size of the household. However, if you are a single mom, you will most likely be eligible for the Food Supplement Program.
The state of Delaware also has the WIC program available. This particular program is designed for women and children, hence the abbreviation for the name Women, Infant and Children. As a single mom, if you are pregnant or have a child under the age of 5 years, you can receive regular monthly checks that will help provide you with a bit of food each month. On the WIC program, you will be able to buy some specific food items, which includes milk, cheese, eggs, bread and a few extras.
Childcare Assistance
For single mothers, childcare assistance is quite important. While you are at work, you need someone who can take care of your child or your children. You cannot always rely on family members and may eventually need to pay for professional childcare at a childcare center. The only problem is that childcare can actually end up being very expensive as the price for childcare has increased radically over the past few years. If you are struggling to pay for childcare but need it for your children while you are at work or in school, then you must know that childcare assistance from the state is available. The Department of Health and Social Services in the state of Delaware provides childcare services for single mothers and eligible low-income families, paying a portion of the cost of childcare so that you will not have to pay nearly as much as you otherwise would.
Rent Assistance
As a single mom, you may be having a hard time paying your monthly rent payments on time. Rent is not always affordable, especially when you have other bills and children to take care of and are doing it all on your own. The state of Delaware knows and understands these hardships and because of that, rental assistance programs are available. In the state of Delaware, you can get help with your rent payments or you can also find public assistance housing, providing you with safe and comfortable living space at relatively affordable rates.
General Assistance Services and Programs
Affordable Healthcare
Healthcare is not something that you should have; it is something that you absolutely need to have, not just for yourself but for your children as well. Without healthcare, the cost of doctor visits and checkups will be very expensive, especially since your children may need to receive a series of immunizations. It is therefore important that you have healthcare for this very reason but it being very expensive, you would simply not be able to afford it. As such it is hard to find affordable healthcare plans. If you cannot afford healthcare for your children or yourself, Medicaid medical assistance is available. You can apply for Medicaid through the Department of Health and Social Services for the state.
Grants and Scholarships/College and School
Going back to a trade school or college may have been something that was not in your future plans, especially because going to college and/or trade school can cost a lot of money. While things like this may have once seemed nearly impossible, at this point in time, there are quite a few scholarships and grants that are available specifically for single mothers who are looking to further their education and ultimately increase their chances of success in the near future. If you want to go back to school, have no fear, because there is plenty of help that you can receive.
Financial Assistance
In the state of Delaware, cash assistance is provided by a Division of the Social Services, helping people who are in need of a little extra money for basic necessities. You can apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, often referred to as TANF, to receive cash on a monthly basis, though for a limited amount of time. This particular program can help assist you with some extra cash each month until you are eventually able to get back on your feet, finding employment or heading back to school to further your education. Although the program is only temporary, it can still help you and can come in handy when you need to purchase certain items for your children, yourself on an urgent basis.