As a single mother, it is important to know that you can get the help you need. There are plenty of different resources aiming to provide Help For Single Mothers in Washington. So they can take care of their children and their own selves without having to struggle nearly as much.
These resources are designed to serve as Single Moms Support and to make it easier on women who are taking care of their children on their own.
Food Resources

There are some food programs available in the state of Washington for those who are in need, particularly single mothers. The Basic Food Program in Washington is designed to help low-income families and, in particular, single mothers to obtain food benefits, which they can use to buy nutritious groceries for their children. Applying for these food benefits is quite simple and can even be done online.
There is also the WIC program, which stands for Women, Infants and Children. This program provides some of the basics, which includes milk, bread, eggs, and cheese, to women with children 5 years of age or younger.
Apply for WIC in Two Easy Steps
Childcare Assistance
As a single mother, chances are that you are stuck working plenty of hours to support your family, which means that you will need childcare for your children. Childcare can be ridiculously expensive, especially when you are paying out of pocket for it. To allay this expense, there are childcare assistance programs in the state of Washington.
The Working Connections Child Care helps to provide women and low-income families with childcare while the parent is at work. If you sign up for this program, you may have to pay a small percentage of the childcare costs but it will still be far more affordable than it would have been without the help of the program.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Rent Assistance
Most people realize that the cost of living is quite expensive, no matter where you live, especially in this kind of economy. Because it can be tough to afford the cost of a home or rent, there is a rent assistance program available in the state of Washington. As a single mother, you can apply for Section 8 housing, in which you can choose the home from a list of different homes available and you and your family can move in.
Your rent will be affordable and will primarily be based on the amount of income that you earn on a monthly basis. There is also the Tenant Based Rental Assistance that can help you to pay your rent as well. If you think knowing about Single Mothers Legal Rights can help you, you should check out the section dedicated to this part.
washington state department of commerce
Affordable Healthcare
Having healthcare for your children is extremely important, especially because children are more at risk to become injured or to suffer from different illnesses. While it is important to have it for your children, you may be having a hard time affording the different types of insurance plans yourself.
Both single parents and low-income families can apply for Medicaid, which can provide affordable healthcare for both children and adults.
Washington Health Care Authority
Grants and Scholarships/College and School
As a single mother, you may want to go to college to further your education so that you can land a higher-paying job, the type of job that will help you to support your family. While going to college is a great idea, it is not always easy to do because college can be quite expensive. If you are a single mother, you can receive state and federal education grants that will help to cover the cost of your college courses.
You can also apply for certain scholarships upon graduating from high school. The state of Washington knows and understands that young single mothers need as much education as possible which is why these grants and scholarships are available.
While attending college or school, you can still receive the childcare assistance. This is convenient because it allows you to get the education you need while your children are also being taken care of in the childcare facility of your choice. Books like Single Moms Little Book of Wisdom are also great reads for helping you out with your day-to-day challenges.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Financial Assistance
If you are strapped for cash and need assistance immediately, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is available. TANF, also known as cash assistance, is only available for a certain amount of time but if you are in dire need of cash until you get on your feet, this program can be quite useful.
You can receive extra money on a monthly basis, which you can use to help pay for different things that your children might need, such as clothes, educational toys, books, and more.