Audrey’s Success Story

When I gave birth to my son on September 6th, 2009, I was twenty-one years old and halfway completed with my Bachelor’s degree.

The father of my child redacted his love from me upon conception of our child. I was horribly frightened at the fact facing me: single motherhood.

It seemed as though someone had erected a tombstone upon my head, engraved “Died? Lost, Alone, and Forget About it”.

Audrey’s Success Story
Audrey’s Success Story

My life seemed to stop on flatline, but then I was resuscitated by the sight of my newborn son. No one else’s downcast eyes and shame for me mattered anymore; I was free from my worries of rejection.

My sole purpose came in focus to reveal that my son would be my fresh drive to succeed in all things good for us. Him and I were then acquainted into a powerful trio masterpiece with tons of love, respect, and peace. The bonding of me to my son and my God have ultimately saved my life.

I miss nothing; I have no regrets.I encourage moms around the world to live each day without regrets!

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