Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

If you’re raising your kids on your own, and you need a little extra help to make it until the end of the month, there are ways to get cash assistance for single mothers rather quickly. When you’re doing the parenting on your own, sometimes you need help immediately and you have to take extreme measures to get it. This is how you should view private cash assistance programs – as an extreme last resort.

Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers
Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

On the other hand, if you are considered low income and you need cash assistance, there are longer-term programs available that you can take advantage of to get the cash you need to pay the bills and care for your family, and this kind of cash assistance for single moms doesn’t have to be repaid. If you can afford to wade through the paperwork and wait for your first check, this is a better option than short-term private cash assistance alternatives.

Government Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

You can obtain government cash assistance for single mothers under the Temporary Aid for Needy Families Act (TANF), which is essentially a block grant that served as a replacement for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Act (AFDC) in 1996 when major welfare reforms were implemented nationwide.

Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

TANF awards a grant of cash, normally in the form of a check, to approved families, such as single mothers and their children. You’ll receive your aid once a month for a period of up to two years. There are specific work requirements for receiving these benefits. For example, if you have kids under six years old, you must spend at least 20 years a week on job activities or training. If you have kids over six, then the weekly hourly requirement raises to 30.

Private Cash Assistance for Single Moms

If you need money immediately, then you sometimes must take some drastic measures. These methods for obtaining cash assistance for single mothers are risky and expensive to use, so you should use them with caution – and only if you have exhausted all other avenues.

Payday Loans

Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

These are great in a pinch, but they carry with them hefty interest charges and fees – to the tune of nearly 50% in some cases! Make sure to read the fine print and find reputable companies before you sign anything. In addition, you need to make sure that you will have the means to repay the loan once it’d due. Generally, payday loans are due about 30 days from the date you are issued the funds. The upshot of payday loans is that you can get the money very quickly – sometimes as fast as the morning after you request a loan. Also, you can usually apply for payday loans on your computer, so the process is quick and discreet.

Cash Advances from Credit Cards

Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

his is a risky alternative as well, but not as risky as payday loans. Taking out a cash advance on your credit card is never a good financial decision – unless you have nowhere else to turn to get the money. If you need more than your limit, it may be worthwhile to call the credit card company to ask if you may qualify for a bit more.

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