Best Associate Degrees For Single Mothers

In this day and age where education opportunities are boundless, there are definitely associate degree options for single moms. Each academic field has a number of sub divisions that have given birth to new specialties. Furthermore, the merger and combination of different disciplines such as biology and medicine, architecture and engineering and so on have … Read more

Your Guide to Government Assistance for Single Mothers

It’s hard to make ends meet if you are a single mother. You need to provide the necessities for your little ones, and you have no one to fall back on but yourself. It can be a lonely road, but if you find the right resources, you can walk through more confidently. State governments provide many … Read more

Sources of Government Money for Single Mothers

Being a mother is very stressful, but being a single mother is downright hard. Many single mothers find that they have a very difficult time just paying basic bills, and they always seem to be scraping by financially. Oftentimes, in order to work, they must spend a huge portion of their paycheck on childcare expenses. … Read more

Where Can I Get Financial Assistance? Struggling at this point

If you’ve lost a job or need a little cash, then the only question in your mind is where can I get financial assistance? Welfare is always one alternative to getting the financial assistance you need. Not everyone is eligible for financial assistance from the government, but it is well worth a try. For starters, you will want … Read more

Five Ways for Single Mothers to Make Money

A low economy means that jobs are even harder to find; however, if you are a single mom your kids are depending on you to bring in some type of income. Even if you do receive some type of assistance it’s not always enough to pay the bills. There are tons of ways you can earn … Read more

Programs Offering Cash Assistance for Single Mothers

If you’re raising your kids on your own, and you need a little extra help to make it until the end of the month, there are ways to get cash assistance for single mothers rather quickly. When you’re doing the parenting on your own, sometimes you need help immediately and you have to take extreme measures … Read more

Where You Can Find Help for Unemployed Single Mothers

Single mothers need all the help they can get. They’re the sole breadwinners and caretakers for their families, so having a job takes on a whole new importance for this demographic. When a job loss occurs, it can be devastating for a single mother and her family. Everything rests on her shoulders, so she has to … Read more

Checklist for Food Stamps | Single Mothers Can Use

Food stamps got their name from the way they were originally issued – as different colored stamps and coupons. The colors represented various denominations, similar to money. Today, food stamps are issued in a form similar to debit cards in order to automate and regulate the process for administering the food stamps single mothers can receive. This also … Read more

Struggling as a single mom? Financial assistance for Single Mothers may just be what you need

There are a few things that all families need to lead a happy and healthy life, including: Food Water Heat Clothing Entertainment Education Health All of these are things that many people take for granted, as they are seemingly small aspects of what makes up our daily lives. However, for a single mom, being able to pay … Read more

How to Find Help with Rent for Single Moms

In this economy, it’s hard enough to raise kids in a two-parent family. If you are a single mother, all the pressure is squarely on your shoulders. You don’t have the luxury of having a partner to help you pay the bills. On top of working a full time job and being the sole provider for your kids, you … Read more

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