Scholarships for Single Mothers: Working for a Better Future

In today’s economy, most people are struggling just to make ends meet. A single mom has it especially hard because her plate is already full with kids, bills, and a full time job. If this sounds like you, the last thing that you want to do is to add more stress to your life. School may be an extra stressor, but it will be worthwhile in the end. Finishing your degree will give you the opportunity to quit living paycheck to paycheck and a scholarship can help you on with your journey.

Paying for School with Scholarships for Single Mothers

The biggest thing that puts people off the idea of going back school is money. College is expensive. Financial assistance is readily available in the form of student loans, but you must pay the money back. If you are a single mom, you are working hard enough as it is. Adding a student loan payment on top of your other obligations may not be realistic for you.

When you think about scholarships, you probably assume you must keep a perfect 4.0 GPA, but they’re not just about grades. Many scholarships target disadvantaged population too. Some examples of different types of scholarships for low-income people are the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation for Low Income Women and Children, the Jeanette Rankin Foundation Scholarship Program, the Toby Hopper Endowed Scholarship for Single Moms, and the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund.

Scholarships for Single Mothers: Working for a Better Future
Scholarships for Single Mothers

There are also specific scholarships for the degree you will pursue, as well as for the state in which you live. The sectors of our society that provide scholarships for single moms include:

  • Federal Government
  • Private Institutions
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Charitable Institutions


Depending on what type of scholarship you are applying for, there are different requirements you need to meet. If you are applying for a scholarship from the federal government, the first thing you’ll need to do is to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. You can fill one out by visiting the U.S. Department of Education’s web portal. You must fill out your FAFSA before you receive any form of financial assistance from the government for school.

If you are applying for a scholarship through a private institution, non-profit organization, or charitable organization they will have their own sets of individual requirements. You must show proof that you are a single mom, but this is usually as easy as showing a copy of your past year’s tax returns.

Where to Find Scholarships

You can find a complete list of scholarships for single moms that you may be eligible for, by visiting the U.S. Department of Education’s website. This website will be able to direct you exactly where you need to go to apply for any of the scholarships you find on their site.

The internet is a quick and easy resource to use for applying to as many scholarships for single moms that you are eligible for, and doing so will be a huge step in the right direction to securing a better future for your family.

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