Colleges for Single Mothers: Weighing Your Options

If you’re a single mother and you work at a dead-end job you hate, then you still have some options to make a better life for yourself.

Going back to college is the single best way to improve life for yourself and your children, and you will be able to provide things they need while they are growing up without having to struggle just to put food on the table.

If you’ve looked at colleges for single mothers before and you felt that it was just not in your price range, think again. There are plenty of ways to go back to school – and your status as a single mother actually gives you a leg up on the competition.

The Best Colleges for Single Mothers

Ivy League University for Single Mothers
Ivy League University for Single Mothers

Before you look for ways to fund your return to school, you must first find a school that is realistic for you to attend while you care for your children. Relocating to New England to attend an Ivy League University may be out of the question, a single mom college like that can be expensive. Something close to home may be a better fit for you.

State Universities

Colleges for Single Mothers

All US states have universities in their “state system,” and they are usually scattered throughout any given state. Check to see which university may be nearest you, and make arrangements to visit the campus. Take a tour to find out what kinds of accommodations are available on campus – extra tutoring? Is there a quiet place to do your work while the kids are in daycare? Are there any childcare assistance resources for Single Mothers options on-campus?

Community Colleges

Community Colleges

A less expensive way to break back into the university scene is by enrolling in a community college in your area. Oftentimes, community colleges are used as stepping stones for nontraditional students to re-enter regular universities. If you went to college for a while and you didn’t do so hot, then a community college may be your best option to get your grades up before you attempt to enroll in a university.

How to Pay for School

Once you’ve decided on the college you will be attending, you need to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. This is where being a single mother comes in handy. Your single filing status will likely qualify you for some great forms of college assistance that will help you pay for school. All public colleges for single mothers take this aid, so you know wherever you go, you’ll be covered.

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grant

If you don’t make a substantial income, then it’s highly likely you qualify for a Pell grants for single moms. These grants do not have to be paid back, and they’ll cover your tuition while you’re in school. Simply speak to someone in financial aid while you’re visiting different colleges for single mothers to find out how to apply.


Colleges for Single Mothers: Weighing Your Options

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is a great option if you need money for college for single mothers and you want to go into teaching. You may be able to qualify for up to $4000 toward your tuition if you choose to go into a teaching-related field.

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