Single Mothers relationships are bound to get complicated. Either you chose to be a single mother or else the lifestyle was thrust upon you. When you are a single mother, you have to balance life, children and relationships on your own. You may be able to ask your friends or parents for advice, but the decisions are up to you. Dating as a single mother comes easy to some and harder to others. Whenever the time is right, perhaps these tips will help you with your relationships.
Always Put Your Kids First

One of the most common mistakes mothers make in single mothers relationships are NOT putting their kids first. It’s easy to get carried away with a new relationship and forget that your kids are a big part of this process. This does not make you a bad mother, but it is important to keep yourself in check. You can put your kids first by:
- Spending as much time as possible with them.
- Make sure everything is going well in their lives.
- Include them in your life as much as possible.
- Write your kids special cards to let them know you’re thinking of them.
Make sure you & the Kids are ready
Knowing that you are ready for a single mothers relationship is one thing, but are your kids ready? You might not think that it’s a big deal to know if they are ready for you to date or not, but it is. If you have gone through a recent divorce, then your children are still in some pain. No one is asking you to not date, but just make sure the timing is right for you and your children. You are the one person who knows your children the best and you will most likely be able to tell if they are ready for you to start a new relationship. Look out for signs of withdrawal – fits and high tempers because this could be an indication that they are not dealing with the transition very easily.
Just be Responsible
First of all, you’re a single mother who is excited about venturing off into a new relationship. You have the power in your hands and the only rules you have are the ones that involve your children. Keep these tips in mind when you are starting a new relationship:
- Set boundaries
- When you have children, keep the overnight guests away.
- Don’t tell your children every single date you’re going on. In some cases, you don’t even need to tell them until things are getting a little more serious. This advice varies from child to child because each child is unique.
- Take the new relationship slowly and do not rush into things.
New relationships are exciting, but it’s always best to keep yourself in check. Keep all of these things in mind to make sure you take your children seriously while you are on the dating scene.