Life of a single mom is always tough. This struggle of life can be eased to a large degree by making use of the assistance programs that are meant to provide help.
Depending upon the requirement, there is often a program for assistance. State Help for single moms comes in the form of university grants for single moms, school scholarships, parenting help, and help to meet the basic necessities of life.

Single mothers who work from home can seek childcare assistance and even financial aid. The eligible single mothers can seek assistance in paying for medical expenses like immunization and prescription for the child.
Child Health Assurance Program offers help to those who do not qualify for Medicaid. These programs have income-based criteria to qualify. These cover the pregnant single mothers as well. State WIC Program is a supplemental nutrition program that helps fulfill the nutrition needs of needy families. For single moms who face the temporary cash shortage can look for details of qualification for Food Bank program offered by the State. T
o assist single moms cope with transportation needs, RTC Public Transportation options can also be benefited from. HUD funds the State to provide rent assistance to the needy single mothers to meet substantial housing needs. In order to take advantage from the educational help offered by the State, an FAFSA form can be filled to seek grants and scholarships. State Help comes in various forms.
Look around and contact your local state office to find out more about the eligibility criteria of different programs.