Help for Single Mothers in Kentucky: Available Assistance Programs

Do you live in the state of Kentucky and are you a single mom? If so, there is help for Single Mothers in Kentucky. Often times, single mothers feel as though they are all alone and have no one there to help them with their umpteen responsibilities.

While it is definitely a struggle to be a single mom, there are options and assistance programs available. Many women do not realize how many different programs are available to them and their children, especially in the state of Kentucky.

Food Resources

Food Resources in Kentucky
Food Resources in Kentucky

In Kentucky, single moms can apply for the Food Stamps program, which has recently been renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. On this program, you will receive an EBT card, which looks much like a debit or credit card.

The card can be used at grocery stores and other stores where food items are sold. The primary purpose of this program is to help cut the cost of groceries, especially since the cost of food continues to rise. By receiving food stamps on the EBT card, you will not have to worry about your children not being fed because there will be plenty of food available for everyone in the household and you will also be able to save money.

Along with food stamps, you can also apply for the WIC program if you are pregnant or if you have children under the age of 5 years. The WIC program is specifically designed for women and children. On this program, you will receive monthly checks with certain food items listed on them.

You will only be able to purchase the specific items that are listed on the checks, which may include milk, cheese, bread, eggs, juice and other food basics. If you are breastfeeding, WIC will offer to provide you with a breast pump and if you are formula feeding, the checks will include some formula as well.

Childcare Assistance

Childcare Assistance in Kentucky

The state of Kentucky offers childcare assistance to those who need it. If you are a single mother, chances are that you are either attending school to further your education and your career opportunities or you currently have a job and are working to support your children and afford the cost of living. When you are at work or school, your children will need to be supervised by someone else.

There may not be someone else who can watch your children and because of that, you would need to put your children in childcare. The only problem with this is the fact that childcare is not always affordable and is actually quite expensive. Many people find it difficult to pay for their childcare expenses, especially as the cost of childcare rises. As a single mom, you can apply for childcare assistance and get help with paying for the childcare so that it is affordable and you can continue to work or attend school.

Commonwealth of KentuckyCabinet for Health and Family Services

Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance in Kentucky

Are you having a hard time affording your monthly rent payments? If so, as a single mother, you can get help from the Kentucky housing corporation. The Kentucky housing corporation can help you in a number of different ways. Depending on your situation, they may be able to assist you with your monthly rent payments. Aside from that, they can help you to find affordable and safe housing so that you and your children will live in a safe environment but without having to pay an extremely high rental.

Kentucky Housing Corporation

Affordable Healthcare

Affordable Healthcare in Kentucky

It is definitely important for you and your children to have healthcare coverage. In the United States, however, healthcare is not always affordable. There are different insurance plans to make healthcare more affordable but usually the premiums for these types of insurance are simply too costly for a single mother to afford. If you are struggling to pay for health insurance premiums, applying for Medicaid would be ideal for you. Medicaid is affordable insurance provided by the state government. You can apply for this type of assistance at your local county assistance office and have the type of healthcare coverage that is needed, especially in the event of an emergency.

Commonwealth of KentuckyCabinet for Health and Family Services

Grants and Scholarships/College and School

Grants and Scholarships/College and School in Kentucky

Going back to school may be something that you are interested in doing. However, you may think that this idea you have is far-fetched. As a single mother, you may think that there is no possibility of you going back to college or trade school but this is entirely untrue. In fact, the state of Kentucky offers a number of grants and scholarships for women who are single parents and are also looking to go back to school to further their education. With grants and scholarships, you will not have to pay back any of the money that was given to you for your schooling, which is something you would have to do if you took out student loans.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance in Kentucky

If you are looking to get back on your feet and are in need of some financial assistance, it is available. The state of Kentucky has a program, which is referred to as the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program. This particular program is only for temporary assistance, meaning you can only stay on it for a limited amount of time. While it is a temporary assistance program, it is still a big help, especially if you need timely help with affording different bills and other living expenses. You can choose to save the money as well, especially if you feel as though you would need it at some point in the future. As a single mom, you will likely be eligible for this form of assistance.

Commonwealth of KentuckyCabinet for Health and Family Services

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