Are you a single mother living in the state of Louisiana? If so, you are not alone. There are many other women who, like yourself, are struggling to make ends meet because of the cost of living and raising children; however help for Single Mothers in Louisiana is there.
Raising children and paying bills can be difficult to manage for a single mother, especially if you are doing it all on your own without the help of anyone else. While it is a struggle, the fact that there are assistance programs available makes it all worth the while. There are plenty of different ways for single moms to receive assistance in the state of Louisiana.
Food Resources

In the state of Louisiana, there is a food resources program available which is known as the SNAP program. SNAP is actually an abbreviation for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, providing low-income families, specifically single mothers, with food assistance. The truth is that the cost of groceries has definitely increased over the years and it may be difficult for you to afford food to put on the table for you and your children. If you find yourself struggling to make enough money to pay bills and also put food on the table, the SNAP program will be of much assistance.
You will receive an EBT card that looks much like a traditional debit card. You can use the card in grocery stores to purchase food items for your family and will be able to save quite a lot of money because of it.
The Department of Health in the state of Louisiana provides the WIC program to women and children. The program is designed specifically for women who are pregnant, postpartum, or have children under the age of 5 years old. On this program, you will receive checks that are to be used in the grocery store for specific food items. The checks will list the type of items you are allowed to purchase and you will not have to pay for them. The average WIC check provides milk, eggs, cheese and bread, along with other food basics and even formula for formula-fed babies.
Women, Infants & Children Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Childcare Assistance
Childcare assistance is very important for single mothers. As a single mother, you are responsible for holding down a job or furthering your education by going to college or trade school. While you are busy doing these types of things, someone needs to be around to care for your children. However, you may not have anyone who is willing to watch your children for you while you work or attend school.
This is an issue that many single mothers come across. The state of Louisiana, however, offers childcare assistance to low-income families and single mothers. With this program, you will not have to pay the full expense of childcare, making it far more affordable for you.
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Rent Assistance
If you are struggling to afford your rental payments each month, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the state of Louisiana can help. You can either receive assistance with making your monthly payments or you can apply for housing.
The housing that would be made available to you and your family would be affordable but would also be of good quality and the homes would be located in a safe environment to ensure that your children are safe where they are living. There are options so that you never have to be put out on the street.
Affordable Healthcare
When you have children, you need to make sure that you have healthcare coverage for them and it is also equally important to have healthcare coverage for yourself too. The only problem with this is that healthcare coverage and insurance plans are simply not always the most affordable options. Sometimes insurance premiums are just ridiculously expensive and hard to afford and in that case, you may not have healthcare because of the price.
If you do not have healthcare for yourself or your children, applying for Medicaid would be your best bet. Medicaid provides affordable healthcare coverage for low-income families who truly need it.
Louisiana Department of Health
Grants and Scholarships/College and School
If you are looking to pursue a specific career, you may need to further your education and earn a degree or certification in that specific field. However, you may think that furthering your education is off limits because you have children and you need to support them.
While it may seem impossible, it is actually recommended that you further your education so that you will have better job opportunities in the future, the type of opportunities that will allow you to earn the income you need to support your children and yourself. The cost of college and trade school is often overly expensive but you can get help paying for your education through the many grants and scholarships that are made available specifically for single mothers.
Financial Assistance
If you need help getting back on your feet, financial assistance is available. This form of assistance is known for helping to provide you with stability, something you may need as a single mother who happens to be doing everything on her own. With cash assistance, you will receive a certain amount of money on a monthly basis. However, you can only receive the cash assistance for a certain amount of time, which means that this assistance program is only designed for a temporary basis.
Even though it is only a temporary assistance program, it can still help out a lot, especially during a time in which you are struggling and could use the extra support.