Available Help for Single Mothers in Maine

Are you a single mother currently living in Maine? If so, you may be finding it difficult to afford the cost of living, however help for Single Mothers in Maine is available. The cost of living only continues to rise and it is becoming harder for single mothers to take on all the different kinds of responsibilities, including caring for their children, working and affording all of the different expenses.

When you have so many responsibilities on your hands and no help, it can definitely be a challenge and a struggle. However, if you are living in the state of Maine, know that there are plenty of different assistance programs available to make your life a whole lot easier so that you and your children will never have to suffer.

Food Resources

Food Resources in Maine
Food Resources in Maine

In Maine, there is food stamps program available for those who need help with affording groceries. The cost of groceries is not always cheap and as a single mother, you may have found yourself in the predicament where you were unable to pay bills and living expenses because you needed to put food on the table for your children. While that may have been an issue you have had in the past, with the food stamps program, you will not have to worry about that any longer.

Food stamps basically provide you with money that is used in grocery stores and places where different food items are sold. Instead of paying out of your own pocket for food, you would use the food stamps or the EBT card provided to you once you join the program. Because of food stamps, you can also save a lot of money.

The food stamps program is definitely a good program, especially if you are having a hard time buying groceries. Along with this program, you can apply for the WIC program, which is especially designed for women and their children, hence the name, which stands for Women, Infants and Children. If you are pregnant or are the parent of a child under the age of 5 years old, you can receive assistance from WIC.

The WIC office will provide you with checks on a monthly basis. These checks can be used to purchase specific items, which typically includes milk, cereal, cheese and bread, along with formula for the baby if need be.

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Childcare Assistance

Childcare Assistance in Maine

This is one form of assistance that is quite essential. As a single mother, you have your own responsibilities. Aside from caring for your children physically and emotionally, you need to provide for them and the best way to do that is to find employment.

If you are currently employed or furthering your education for better job opportunities, you may be struggling to find someone who can watch your children while you are doing these things.

Putting your children in daycare is your best bet but childcare is not always affordable and is actually often too expensive. On the childcare assistance program that is available in Maine, you can get help paying for childcare so that you do not have to pay the full amount and can save money.

Department of Health and Human Services in Maine

Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance in Maine

You may be having a hard time paying your rental payments on time each month and in that case, you may be worried about the possibility of being evicted from your home. If this is a concern of yours, there is help available.

The housing authority in Maine provides options for those who are struggling to pay their rent. You can find affordable and safe living through the housing authority in Maine, which would be ideal, especially if you are not sure if you can continue affording your current rent payments.


Affordable Healthcare

Affordable Healthcare in Maine

It is important to have healthcare for your children and for yourself as well. Without healthcare, the cost of visiting the doctors, the hospital and prescriptions would be overly expensive and simply not affordable. If you are in need of healthcare but cannot afford insurance premiums for you and your children, Medicaid is a good option.

The Department of Health and Human Services in Maine provides Medicaid to low-income families and those who truly need the healthcare but are unable to afford health insurance premiums on their own. Medicaid is an affordable alternative.

Health Care Assistance in Maine

Grants and Scholarships/College and School

Grants and Scholarships/College and School in Maine

If you would like to further your education and explore different job opportunities, attending a trade school or college makes a lot of sense. This is something that a lot of single mothers are now doing as a way of getting the education they need to pursue a better career, the type of career that will allow them to earn the income they need to support their children. While it may seem impossible for you, especially if you have a hectic schedule, it is possible to go back to school and further your education.

You may think that you cannot afford trade school or college because it is too expensive. While it is true that trade school, there are loads of different grants and scholarships that are available specifically for single mothers who need the help and want to go back to school.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance in Maine

In the state of Maine, you can apply for something known as TANF, which stands for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. This program is only temporary but while on the program, you can receive cash assistance on a monthly basis for a limited amount of time. Even though the program is only temporary, it can help you to get back on your feet for the meantime.

The program is designed specifically for low-income families and those who are struggling to make ends meet. As a single mother, you will likely be eligible to receive financial assistance.

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