Your Guide to Government Assistance for Single Mothers

It’s hard to make ends meet if you are a single mother. You need to provide the necessities for your little ones, and you have no one to fall back on but yourself. It can be a lonely road, but if you find the right resources, you can walk through more confidently. State governments provide many … Read more

Sources of Government Money for Single Mothers

Being a mother is very stressful, but being a single mother is downright hard. Many single mothers find that they have a very difficult time just paying basic bills, and they always seem to be scraping by financially. Oftentimes, in order to work, they must spend a huge portion of their paycheck on childcare expenses. … Read more

Five Ways for Single Mothers to Make Money

A low economy means that jobs are even harder to find; however, if you are a single mom your kids are depending on you to bring in some type of income. Even if you do receive some type of assistance it’s not always enough to pay the bills. There are tons of ways you can earn … Read more

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