Where You Can Find Help for Unemployed Single Mothers

Single mothers need all the help they can get. They’re the sole breadwinners and caretakers for their families, so having a job takes on a whole new importance for this demographic. When a job loss occurs, it can be devastating for a single mother and her family. Everything rests on her shoulders, so she has to … Read more

Where to Find Help for Low Income Single Moms

If you’re a single mother, it really doesn’t matter whether you are a work at home mom or you work outside the home. Things are tough no matter which route you take. Bills have to be paid, mouths must be fed, and kids need transportation to school and activities. It’s enough to make even the most capable mother … Read more

Struggling as a single mom? Financial assistance for Single Mothers may just be what you need

There are a few things that all families need to lead a happy and healthy life, including: Food Water Heat Clothing Entertainment Education Health All of these are things that many people take for granted, as they are seemingly small aspects of what makes up our daily lives. However, for a single mom, being able to pay … Read more

How to Find Help with Rent for Single Moms

In this economy, it’s hard enough to raise kids in a two-parent family. If you are a single mother, all the pressure is squarely on your shoulders. You don’t have the luxury of having a partner to help you pay the bills. On top of working a full time job and being the sole provider for your kids, you … Read more

Financial Help for Single Mothers – Types of Help Available

As much as you don’t always want to ask for financial help, single mothers are one group that tends to need as much assistance as possible. It can be hard enough just supporting one person, but when another person is relying on you this can make the situation extremely stressful. To alleviate the burden and get financial … Read more

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