Single mothers need all the help they can get. They’re the sole breadwinners and caretakers for their families, so having a job takes on a whole new importance for this demographic. When a job loss occurs, it can be devastating for a single mother and her family. Everything rests on her shoulders, so she has to find a way to bring home the bacon one way or another.
Luckily, every state offers help for unemployed single mothers; you just need to be aware of the resources available in order to take advantage of them. If you have lost your job and you don’t know where to turn, then you need to drop everything you’re doing and get in touch with community and government officials that can help point you in the right direction so you and your family don’t have to suffer unnecessarily.
Private Help for Unemployed Single Mothers

It doesn’t matter where you’re located; it’s possible to find help for unemployed single mothers in just about any part of the country. All you need to do to find the help you need is to either pick up the phone or do a quick online search. When you call, simply dial 2-1-1 and the operator will be able to tell you about private community resources that can help you find things like food banks, places to obtain cheap or free clothing, and locations of shelters if you are in a dire situation and you need a place to stay temporarily. Here are some great resources that have branches in most of the bigger cities in the United States:
- The Salvation Army
- United Way
Government Help for Unemployed Single Mothers
The best way to get help for unemployed single mothers is to find state resources that can help you during your spell without work. Find your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and your State Unemployment Office and schedule appointments to speak with caseworkers about your options. The following are two common programs you can take advantage of to get the help you need to take care of your family while you’re unemployed.
Unemployment is the single best way to get an income flowing while you’re looking for a job. You need to make sure you fit certain requirements, however. First, you cannot have been fired from your job. You also need to file as soon as you are laid off or otherwise lose your job, because it may take two to three weeks for your claim to be processed before you receive any money. Talk to a caseworker about any other requirements you should be aware of in order to qualify.
Social Services
Your local Department of Health and Human Services can help you find out what kinds of assistance you may also qualify for while you’re unemployed. If you are a single woman with children, then conditions are extremely favorable for you to receive things like food stamps, rental assistance vouchers to secure housing for unemployed single mothers, and help with childcare expenses while you are out of work. They may even be able to provide you with information about grants for unemployed single mothers.